RealDolmen confirms its position as local top Outsourcing service provider

2 March 2015

Market research agency Whitelane published the results of its 2015 Outsourcing survey. They looked into the satisfaction of Belgian and Luxembourg companies about the quality of their IT outsourcing partners, both for Application Development & Maintenance outsourcing, Datacenter outsourcing and End User Services outsourcing. Over 200 companies and their CIOs were interviewed about various aspects such as business value, service delivery, pro-activity, price, project & change management, account management and customer relations.

RealDolmen has been confirming its reputation for years in this survey and does so again in this year’s edition by claiming top positions in all categories.

The most prominent result is maintaining the top spot in Datacenter outsourcing. In the categories Application Development & Maintenance outsourcing and End User Services outsourcing 2nd and 3rd place were achieved. The interviewed CIOs thus confirm that RealDolmen is an absolute top player in the field of IT outsourcing.

Marc De Keersmaecker, CEO of RealDolmen, “I am obviously very pleased and proud of this result and the fact that year after year, we manage to keep up being a local top player. I therefore want to thank all employees for the hard work they put in to ensure these outsourcing contracts are fulfilled.”

Chantal Roosens, Sales Director, adds, “An outsourcing contract is only as good as the customer relation, the trust between the parties and, of course, the results that shape it. This is why we in the sales department are very proud of this result as well. Our existing customers clearly trust us. In a market where more and more companies are interested in IT outsourcing, this sends a clear signal that RealDolmen is an outsourcing service provider that should not be easily disregarded and takes great care of its customers”.