Planned Outages Measures

8 January 2015

Dear customer,

Belgium may be faced with power shortages this winter. In order to avoid blackouts, it is possible there will be power outages between 5 PM and 8 PM. In addition to those 3 hours, up to 2 hours are required to restore the power supply.

RealDolmen is also affected by this. RealDolmen is doing everything within its power to limit the impact of these power cuts on its company and to guarantee the continuity of its services: monitoring of the autonomy of the RealDolmen sites, a carefully drafted recovery plan, specific procedures and specialized teams.

Our support teams in the various RealDolmen sites throughout Belgium will take every possible measure so that you can continue your activities.

The RealDolmen Data Centers in Zaventem and Aalst are equipped in such a way that a blackout should not have any impact.

Furthermore, our head office in Huizingen is not included in the planned outages (until further notice), which means that this site remains operational.

However, despite our efforts, possible power outages may have certain consequences.

RealDolmen also depends on 3rd parties (telephony, network,...) who, in their turn, will do everything within their power to minimize the consequences of a possible power outage. But they cannot fully guarantee 100% uptime either.

We are, of course, gladly at your disposal, should any problems occur.

Kind regards,

RealDolmen support team